Gimli Ginkgo |
Galina Goldregen |
Glory Glockenblume |
red tabby blotched white (amber homozygot) NFO d 09 22 |
amber torbie blotched white NFO ft 09 22 |
amber tortie white NFO ft 09 |
06.08.2013 8:23 p.m. |
06.08.2013 8:59 p.m. |
06.08.2013 11:51 p.m. |
- moved - lives with Bubble Bou in Klausdorf with Jane |
- moved - lives with 'Fenno Fröhlich' in cattery - Gran Siberia - |
Stays in cattery |
Gyda Gänseblümchen |
Gismo Ginster |
lightamber tortie white NFO gt 03 |
red white bicolor (amber homozygot) NFO d 03 |
07.08.2013 0:39 a.m. |
07.08.2013 3:30 a.m. |
available | available |
available | This kitten is still available |
option | Someone is watching the kitten. Requests are still welcome. |
temporary booked | Someone is interested and will visit the kitten. Requests are still welcome. |
booked | The contract is signed and the first installment payed. The kitten will move soon. |
moved | The kitten moved to new home. |